Monday 11 November 2013


The are several myths associated with herbal medicine in Africa. Most of these myths are associated with our cultural and religious beliefs, but the bedrock of this myth is rooted in lack of understanding of drug administrations and evolution of medical science and drug therapy.

Hippocrates of Cos, an ancient Greek physician was known as the father of modern medicine, He was credited with several discoveries in medicine especially the oath of Hippocrates. This ancient physician make use of herbal preparations prepared by the Apothecary for the management and amelioration of sicknesses.

Several drugs in use today have their origin in herbs, they are more effective in their crude state than their refined state. Consider Cinchona succirubra , popularly called Yaariin in Yoruba is the source of Quinine injection used in the management of resistant malaria.

Artesunate, is product from the plant Artemisia Alba that is found in abundance in China.The anti cancer: Vinblastine and Vincristine are extracted from a popular plant called Periwinkle( Vinca Rosea), Aspirin was found in a plant called Salix. herbal Medicine has its origin in God, it was not man made, its utilization is just a compliance with God prescriptions.
Finally, it is worth noticing that herbal medicine is not the same as Traditional  Healer, herbal medicine practitioner are pure scientist, and  practitioner of natural therapy, while traditional  Healer use mystical and non scientific methods to administer healing.
Genesis 1:29 says: And God said, see I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all earth, and every tree whose fruits yeids seed; to you it shall be for food(some translations says drugs).

                                       A TYPICAL APOTHECARY WITH HERBAL PRODUCTS

                                            AZADIRACHA INDICA(DONGOYARO)

                                      BIDENS PILOSA(ABERE OLOKO)